Windows opened the doors for me!

Windows and I go back a long time, and I have been using it since my marriage in 1999. I started with Windows 97. I would go with my father in law and both of us would learn it together as Abhay had earned some training vouchers. Then we upgraded to Windows2000, then to Windows XP, Windows 07, and finally Windows 10. I would not use it a lot but knew the basics. My introduction to Windows much before my wedding was this logo,

Year 2019, some time in August I earned my first badge, an instructor-led exercise which set me on the course of gaining more knowledge. I remember telling my father how proud I was of earning it even though I had done little to achieve it. And told him that I intended to earn the MIEE badge. Little did I know then that I was kind of setting myself on the course of a journey which would both be exciting and extraordinary not only because of what I am learning but also for the knowledge how proud Abhay would be to see me grow in the field which was his forte.

Year 2020, the pandemic happened and the teaching community went online. We mastered Teams and kept learning app after app to better ourselves as online educators. And what I told my father in September 2019 became a reality in 2020 when I earned my MIEE badge!

This happened in quick succession.

And then came this after a lot of sweat and stress, tears and trials! I did not only ace 21 CLD skills but also shared the knowledge helping another educator in Nigeria and fellow colleagues in school.

This Sunday I stretched my wings a little more and achieved this.

There are many, my school, Mahattattva: The GE partners, my family and my friends who have been my mentors, facilitators, guides and cheerleaders. Thank you very much to each one here and Abhay there, up in the clouds for staying by my side and ensuring that I continue to grow.

The journey continues…

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Denise Krebs says:

    Shruti! Congratulations on so many milestones. Your hard work is showing, that’s for sure. Great job! So many people will benefit from your knowledge and generous spirit as you help educators around the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Thank you very much!


  2. Mark Ryan says:

    Well done, a wall of pride there next to the windows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Thanks a lot Mark. Love the way you put it.


  3. Insider says:

    Indeed some wonderful milestones achieved and for many more that are yet to come your way! Congratulations ma’am!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Thank you very much!

      Liked by 1 person

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