Angels Along The Way!

The only angels I knew for a long long time were the mythical winged creatures with a halo. Then one fine day an Inner Wheel friend of mine from Goa asked me if I would be interested in inviting archangels Rafael, Uriel, Gabriel and Michael into my home. Now this was new to me and…

The Poem That Got Me My Job.

“Miracles are not about prophets walking on water, miracles are not calling for pestilence or bringing the dead alive. Miracle is meeting people who believe in you, if you believe in yourself.” Boman Irani at Josh Talks, SRCC Delhi. I had seen this video of Boman Irani on YouTube a few years ago. It is…

The Green In My Garden

“I love the thrill of chlorophyll when hiking through evergreen. Nature shows off its bouquet. between shades of lovely green.” Plants and I share a special bond since childhood. I remember following my grandfather religiously to pick flowers for Pooja and then my grandmother to the Tulsi Vrindavan to water it every day. Then there…

The Box

I’m not a great story teller. I can’t weave stories the way some people do, effortlessly. But yeah, I dream stories. Whatever few stories I’ve written happened in my dreams. ‘The Box’ is a personal favourite, perhaps because it was the first story that I wrote. Little Myra was the first one to see it…