The Many Colours Of Love

As I woke up this Sunday, the calendar on my smartphone reminded of the beginning of the week-long celebration of ‘love’. The Valentine’s Day is just round the corner and a post on love becomes mandatory, especially because I am someone who is totally sold out on ‘love’. I just love the idea of being in love. Abhay used to be amused by my ability to keep falling in love with anything that caught my fancy, be it an idea, a thought, a story, a book, a flavour or a new person. See! Falling in love comes easily to me but then I am a true Libran, fiercely loyal and each love of mine is for life or till it has matured enough to let go. I have these cozy pigeonholes in my mind where I keep my different loves, they may overlap but I can compartmentalise them and hence there’s no conflict as such.
I remember the time when Shubham was in class 8 and anchoring for his School Annual Day celebration. We researched on all kinds of love from Agape to Storge, all eight of them, for a performance themed around it. Till then I was not aware about the myriad forms in which love happens and I fell in love with the forms of love as I learnt about its many colours. My post forAbhay’s 50th birthday on HoB gave me the opportunity to connect with many old students and new people. And here was this girl who wrote, “You be strong, and I consider you as my mother. Stay blessed, Mommy!” Now, being a teacher, I am used to adopting my students as my children and I do treat them the way I would treat Shubham, but it was the first time that I was adopted by someone. I was deeply touched by her gesture and mentioned that it was sweet of her to adopt me. “No, I have not adopted you. You’re already mine.” was her pat reply. She is all of twenty years and a wonderful dancer, a student of engineering, loves all kinds of chocolates, and while not very good at cooking, promises to treat me well!😃
So, now I have a daughter as well and I look forward to meeting her soon!
Love is a beautiful feeling which not only makes one glow but the person in love radiates its warmth all around and makes the world a better place to live. I have been lucky to have received a lot of love from people of all ages from all quarters and I accept it with humility and gratitude. Love is the force that is the way forward for humanity and may there be abundant love in every colour and hue, for everyone and me and you! For,
There shall be showers of blessings! This is the promise of love…

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Insider says:

    That definitely is a beautiful promise. Ma’am I remember when I asked for your birthday you refused to tell me but now through this post I have narrowed it down to two months September and October 🙂 Passing on lots of love from me to you this valentine season ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A. Shruti says:

      That’s my another smart daughter! Lots of love to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Insider says:

        Glad to be (:

        Liked by 2 people

  2. haitiruth says:

    ❤ Ruth,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Will have a look. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What an uplifting piece! You are helping me fall back in love with love, I hope!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Much love to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. your blog is amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A. Shruti says:

      Thank you very much for the like and following too; glad you liked it. That’s an amazing journey that you two fashionistas have embarked upon. Your comment had landed in spam by chance, regret the delay in getting back to you.


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